05 Sep It’s not all about THC and CBD. These cannabinoids rock too!
You’ve heard of THC. You’ve probably even heard of CBD, another cannabinoid. But do you really know what these cannabinoids are?
They are both cannabinoids, compounds that work with the human body’s endocannabinoid system; fitting it’s receptors perfectly like locks and keys, resulting in the wide array of therapeutic and enjoyable effects that cannabis provides. In addition to the well-known cannabinoids THC and CBD, dozens more have been discovered and some experts think there are hundreds waiting to be explored.
Only a handful have really been studied, and the results are already very exciting. At Green Cross of Torrance we think that sharing knowledge about this extremely helpful plant is our duty.
So, let’s dig in:
Delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol, THC: The most popular cannabinoid because it’s the one that gets you high! (Most do not.) THC mimics the body’s chemical anandamide, which is named after the Sanskrit word for “bliss.” THC stimulates cells in the brain that release dopamine, also contributing to the euphoric feeling. It also has exciting health potentials, especially in regard to pain relief, brain health, insomnia, and cancer cell destruction.
Cannabidiol, CBD: Like most cannabinoids, CBD does not get the user high, which has been hugely helpful to its growth in America. This powerhouse actually encourages the body to use more of its naturally occurring endocannabinoids, which also work with the endocannabinoid system. It’s thought to be very helpful for seizures (especially in children), anxiety, pain relief, and even acne.
Tetrahydrocannabinol Acid, THCA: This cannabinoid is the precursor to THC, turning into it when it’s decarboxylated, or heated. It’s said to have similar health benefits as THC, but without the high. It’s also thought to have neuroprotective benefits and has been very helpful for people with fibromyalgia or other nerve-related troubles.
Cannabinol, CBN: Having a hard time sleeping? This non-psychoactive cannabinoid is for you. Some laboratories have compared using 5mg of CBN to 10mg of diazepam, a powerful pharmaceutical sedative. CBN is created naturally when cannabis flower is exposed to air over time, or there are a few great products on the market. (And our shelves!)
Cannabigerol, CBG: The chemical parent of THC and CBD, CBG is another non-psychoactive cannabinoid has been found to act on very specific physiological systems, pointing to promising medical benefits. It’s thought to be a helpful treatment for glaucoma, inflammatory bowel disease, Huntington’s disease, and more.
Tetrahydrocannabivarin, THC-V: Like THC, THC-V is a psychoactive cannabinoid, especially in higher doses. It’s said to have a very different high than THC, more clear-headed and psychedelic. Its medical uses are thought to be numerous, helping in appetite suppression, diabetes, panic attacks, Alzheimer’s and more.
Delta-8-Tetrahydrocannabinol, Delta-8-THC: The third psychoactive cannabinoid on this list, Delta-8-THC is said to be less so than Delta-9-THC. The high that it does produce is also said to be less anxiety-inducing than Delta-9. It’s been found to be helpful in treating nausea/vomiting, anxiety, loss of appetite, pain, and in supporting nerve health.
Neat, isn’t it? The potential of this marvel of a plant is stunning, and research really is just getting started. Though sometimes supply prevents us from doing so, we currently carry all of these cannabinoids and will work to continue to do so in the future. Please let us know if you’re interested in any other cannabinoids and we’ll see what’s products are out there!
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